We are pleased that you have chosen us for your child's education. Please let us know if you have any questions by contacting the school office (515-432-4124) or [email protected]
We offer our traditional four mornings per week or have an everyday (5 days per week) option. Choose an option that works best for your family!
1) Preschool and All Day/Every Day Preschool Plus:
Four mornings per week (M, T, Th, F) will be funded through the free State-Wide Voluntary Preschool Program (SWVPP) at NO cost to our families. Daily afternoon care/instruction with a licensed Early Childhood Educator at an additional cost. All day Wednesday provided as part of our Preschool Plus option.
2) Regular Four Day a Week Preschool (Mornings Only):
Funded through the free (SWVPP) with NO cost to our families. Students attend four mornings per week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Students who are entering Preschool must have the following requirements prior to admittance:
● Must be 4 years of age on or before September 15th
● Must provide documentation of current immunizations and physical exam
● Provide information concerning emergency procedures for the child, specifically who is allowed to pick up the child
Click on the following to enroll for 4 year old preschool